Milí sedmáci,
odkaz na trénování irregular verbs je zde:
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- Napsal Šebková Kateřina
- Aktualizováno: 14. listopad 2022
Co se budeme učit? Unit 3D, str 39
Cíl: používat slovesa v minulém čase, tvořit otázky v minulém čase s Did....?,
vyprávět o dovolené podle otázek ze str. 39
Where did you go? We went to/ travelled to....
What did you do? We swam..., we went sightseeing...,, , we had picnic on the beach..,
How did you travel ? By car, by bus, by plane
Where did you stay? in a hotel, in an apartment, in a camp
Did you have a good time? yes, the weather was beautiful,we had fun, we saw some cities, old towns, we went hiking (turistika)...
časové odkazy na minulost:
last week, last summer, last winter, last year, yesterday, 2 weeks ago = před dvěma týdny,
- Napsal Šebková Kateřina
- Aktualizováno: 6. listopad 2022