Procvičuj podle zadání:

1) Quizlet – nepravidelná slovesa
kartičky -

2) Nepravidelná slovesa – liveworksheets
Postup k odeslání: 

vyplň cvičení
klikni na FINISH           
vyber možnost Email my answers to my teacher
vyplň tabulku

pošli na Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.


3) Ask the teacher for the headset
Go to the website:
Click on  „GO TO THE WEB“ on the top of the website.
Choose at least 3 songs.
Write the names of the songs into your exercise book + what activities you did.

4) News in levels
Go to the website:
Choose one piece of news. Try level 1, 2, 3.
Choose another piece of news. Choose the level that suits you.

5) Umíme anglicky
Go to the website:
Choose some exercise. You need to win at least 3 shields (arms)

Which of these websites do you prefer to practise English?


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